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Do You Set Goals with Your Young Student?

Your answer is likely no. And I didn’t used to either to be honest with you. Although I do it, I really don’t enjoy setting goals as an adult, so I hadn’t put my child through that kind of discomfort. What changed my perspective you ask? Not too long ago, I was helping my 5 year old daughter get ready for bed when she told me she wanted to be a better reader so she could read more books by herself. That was my lightbulb moment! She was setting her own goal without even realizing it and without my prompting.

Goal setting can help develop a successful student and help children reach their full potential. When children set and achieve goals, they learn valuable lessons about perseverance and resilience. It is important to foster an environment of goal setting in the home, so that children understand that they can work towards and accomplish their goals. As a parent with years of experience under my belt, I am now realizing this. Teaching children goal setting...

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Four Tips for Supporting a Successful Student During the Holidays

This will be our second to last post in our ‘Successful Students’ series. There are five previous posts in this series which provide a variety of tips and ideas for parents and caregivers to develop successful students. In this article, we will be exploring four tips to help you as a parent or guardian support your little student during the busy holiday season. Regardless of where you are located in the world and which holidays your family celebrates, the end of the year can be filled with lots of excitement. Often times this excitement can lead to a sense of overwhelm in small children. Even as adults we often experience feelings of chaos and out of control with holiday parties, travel schedules, and busy day to day obligations. As adults we are responsible for providing a sense of calm and routine to our households. If we are feeling overwhelmed by our busy holiday schedules, it will inevitably trickle down to our little ones. The goal of this post is to provide you...

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Back to School Tips for the Homeschooling Parent to Raise a Successful Student

This is our third post in our “Successful Student” series. In the first post of the series titled “Four Tips for Raising Successful Students”, we offer four specific tips that parents can utilize to help develop their little students into lifelong successful learners. In our second post titled “Capable Children are Happy Children Who Turn Into Successful Students”, we discuss how our Masterminds Early Learning program was founded and came to be after one of our founders, Ms. Tania Siddiqi, began using a similar program with her daughter at the age of two. In this post, we will explore back to school tips for homeschoooling parents to help them increase their odds for a successful school year.

Ahh, Summer of 2022. Finally, families and friends were able to travel and gather in a way that hadn’t happened for years. As the end of summer draws near, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming school year. Whether your child is headed...

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