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Top 5 Rainy Day Ideas for Parents

This is our first post in our new blog series titled “Top 5”. This series will include a variety of posts of ‘Top 5’ tips and ideas on a variety of topics related to raising children. In this post we will review five ideas for parents to incorporate into their rainy (or snowy!) day with their children.  

 Idea #1: Games

Games are a great activity for a rainy day and can teach children many valuble skills like taking turns.

The key to this idea is finding age-appropriate games for your children. My girls are now 8 and 5 years old, and our current household favorites include Trouble, Sorry, Uno, Yahtzee, and Monopoly. When they were younger games like Memory, Candy Land, and Guess Who were favorites. As I look ahead, I’m excited to incorporate new games like Scrabble, Upwords, and Racko. If you have younger children, consider playing as a team so that they have additional support in understanding the concepts and rules. While these are our...

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